Amateur Radio Field Day

Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Preparedness Drill
At Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve

Public Invited to See Ham Radio In Action
June 28th and 29th

(Huntington, New York) — As part of a nationwide test of emergency communications, local Amateur Radio (ham) operators will set up temporary short-wave radio transmitting stations at the Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve on Lloyd Neck in Huntington ( on Saturday and Sunday, June 28th and 29th. Members of the Radio Central Amateur Radio Club ( and the Order of Boiled Owls Amateur Radio Club ( a will be among thousands of ham operators across the country who will be forsaking the comforts of home to participate in Field Day, an annual emergency communications preparedness exercise sponsored by ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio (

The local hams will set up temporary communications facilities on Saturday, much as they would do in the event of a disaster, then spend the next 24 hours transmitting and receiving simulated emergency messages in exchanges with their counterparts throughout the country. Communications will be conducted on short-wave frequencies and via Amateur Radio communications satellites, using voice and Morse code, making contacts with hundreds of other ham groups in locations stretching from Maine to Hawaii and Florida to Alaska.

Visitors are welcome to stop by to observe the operation, and even take a turn at the microphone, any time from 2:00 p.m., Saturday, June 28th through 2:00 p.m., Sunday,
June 29th at the Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve, 25 Lloyd Harbor Road, Huntington, New York.

For further information, contact:

Mel Granick
(917) 881-2987

Photo: Amateur Radio operators will be on-the-air around-the-clock from 2:00 p.m., Saturday, June 28th through 2:00 p.m., Sunday, June 29th at the Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve on Lloyd Neck in Huntington as part of a nationwide emergency communications preparedness exercise.

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